Prof. Xymena Kurowska and alumnus Anatoly Reshetnikov win EISA's Best Article in the EJIR 2021

August 23, 2021

DSPS and IR professor Xymena Kurowska and alumnus Anatoly Reshetnikov (IR track, 2019), who works as Assistant Professor at Webster University Vienna, have been awarded the European International Studies Association 2021 Best Article Prize in European Journal of International Relations for their paper "Trickstery: pluralising stigma in international society".

The prize recognizes and supports the crucial role of theory and theoretical pluralism in and for International Relations in Europe. It is awarded to theoretically innovative articles that elaborate a novel idea, make a significant contribution to existing debates, provide a rigorous analysis and impetus for new research.

The award committee notes that Kurowska and Reshetnikov's article makes "an original and intriguing contribution by introducing the concept of the 'trickster' as a role and form of political action characterised by 'non-decidable plurality'. Nicely incorporating yet going beyond the notion of the liminal and practices of stigma management, their article opens the door to a novel reading of a type of political performance that exerts power through humour, satire, and the theatrical".

Read the article's abstract and the full committee's comment here: Best Article in the European Journal of International Relations 2021.
