The Doctoral School is an academic community home to more than 50 permanent faculty members and over 90 doctoral students.
The Doctoral Program in Political Science was established by the Departments of Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy with the aim of contributing to a spirit of cooperation between faculty and students and foster the consolidation of a common academic community across the three departments. The constituting units of the Doctoral School are the departments of Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy.
The Doctoral School offers and administers the Doctoral (PhD) Program in Political Science from the CEU campus in Vienna. The PhD program aims to provide the theoretical and methodological skills necessary to facilitate a broader comparative perspective which will mediate and engage scholarship and practices from both European and non-European contexts. We expect applicants who are ready to meet the challenges of critical thinking, academic excellence, social responsibility and inter-contextual perspective.
You can browse the personal profiles of the faculty members affiliated with the School by using the left hand menu.In the same menu you can find more information about the School's staff members and PhD students as well.
The Doctoral School is governed by the Doctoral Committee (DC), which comprises the School Director, the five track representatives and a student representative. The School Director is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the program, both academic and administrative. The track representatives are responsible for the coherence of each track within the School.
In the 2023-2024 Academic Year the Doctoral Committee comprises the following members:
School Director: Michael Merlingen (IR)
Comparative and International Political Economy track representative: Dora Piroska (IR)
Comparative Politics track representative: Daniel Bochsler (POLS)
International Relations track representative: Xymena Kurowska (IR)
Political Theory track representative: Anca Gheaus (POLS)
Public Policy track representative: Cristina Corduneanu-Huci (DPP)
Student representative: elected in September
To learn more about the PhD program offered by the Doctoral School, please click on the "Program" menu item in the top horizontal menu, or follow this link.
Note: In 2022 the Political Economy track has been reformed into the Comparative and International Political Economy track.
Get to know the School
A webinar for prospective PhD students:
Get to know the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, and will hear about a new publication co-written by one of our PhD candidates, Péter Visnovitz, and faculty from both IR and Political Science Departments, Erin K. Jenne and András Bozóki: the chapter "Antisemitic Tropes, Fifth-Columnism, and 'Soros-Bashing': The Curious Case of Central European University".
To close the webinar, attendees will hear from PhD candidate Hong Do about the research group in Political, Legal and Moral Theory (POLEMO), one of several research groups at CEU where PhD candidates and faculty meet to share their research.