Call for Proposals - Annual Doctoral Conference 2014-15

January 6, 2015

Call for Proposals - Annual Doctoral Conference 2014-15

The Doctoral School for Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations invites all doctoral candidates to submit a paper proposal for the upcoming CEU Annual Doctoral Conference (April 20-21, 2015). The submissions will be subjected to an evaluation by the organizing committee in partnership with professors affiliated with the Doctoral School. Papers will be selected for participation in the Annual Doctoral Conference on the basis of the quality of the proposals.

A typical proposal should not exceed 500 words, and should include the literature strand in which the research fits in, the main research question or puzzle, a brief presentation of the data and the methodology employed, as well as the key (preliminary) findings. It is important to note that we look for stand-alone research papers. These can, and in most cases should, be part of the thesis project, but the proposed papers should be clearly different from a chapter of the thesis manuscript or a prospectus. For students in the earlier stages of their career this will be an opportunity to train for a first contribution to a scientific conference. For students in later stages the paper proposed could be seen as a ‘job market’ paper, i.e. a paper a student would select to present if she or he is invited to a job talk.

In order to allow sufficient time for a thorough review process, we ask that proposals be sent no later than January 31st, 2015. Proposals should be sent to, attached as either a Word or Acrobat document (.doc, .docx, .pdf). They should contain no identifiable information about the author (name, track, student ID etc).

Note, that participation at the ADC is mandatory for CEU students and part of the requirements of the fulfillment of the PhD programs. If you do not want to present a paper you can also choose to table any type of paper (including thesis chapters) or you can choose to participate in the form of a poster presented in our poster session. The last two options are also possible in those (relatively few) cases where we will have to reject the paper proposal due to its quality or capacity constraints. Please indicate your choice a) paper presented at ADC, b) paper/chapter tabled at ADC, c) poster in your submission until January 31st, 2015.

For further information about the conference, please contact the ADC committee: Erin (, Anya (, Olga (, Renira for PERG-related queries (, Felix (, Vujo (, Felipe (, Eva Zemandl (