Anil Duman

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
+43 1 25230 2710

Anil Duman is a Professor at Central European University in Vienna, Austria. She has received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her broad research interests include labor economics, political economy, industrial relations, welfare state policies, and redistribution. In her recent research, she has been specializing on the labor market effects and governance of informality, particularly on employment and wage consequences of a dual economic structure. She is also examining the relationship between refugee influx and living and working conditions in the context of a developing country. Her previous research focused on analysis of skill formation, skill distribution, and their relation to individual policy preferences across countries and over time. She was also involved in research projects examining the transformation of social protection regimes in several transition countries.

Anil Duman currently teaches at the masters, and doctoral levels at CEU, where she also serves as the head of Political Science Department. She has previously held visiting professorships at Economic Research Forum, Koc University and International Political Economy at Bilgi University. Anil Duman also worked at the Research Department of International Labour Organization (ILO).


Anıl Duman (2023) Gendered Relationship between Temporary, Informal Employment and Wages: Evidence from Turkish labor market. Feminist Economics.

Anıl Duman (2023) Feeling Insecure and Excluding Immigrants: relationship between subjective risks and welfare chauvinism. Social Policy and Administration.

Anıl Duman, Janine Berg, Sevane Ananian and Hannah Liepmann (2023) World employment and social outlook 2023: The value of essential work. Geneva: International Labor Organization.

Anıl Duman and Alper Duman (2022) Türkiye’de Asgari Ücret: Kurumsal Düzenleme mi Piyasa Kısıtları mı?. METU Studies in Development, 49, pp. 83-107.

Anıl Duman, Martin Kahanec and Lucia Mýtna Kureková (2022) Closing the gaps: the positive effects of welfare inclusion on immigrants’ labor market integration. In E.A. Koning (ed.) The Exclusion of Immigrants from Welfare Programs: Cross-National Analysis and Contemporary Developments. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 79-101.

Anıl Duman (2022) Welfare Nationalism and Rising Prejudice against Migrants in Central and Eastern Europe. In E. Balkan and Z. Tonak (eds). Refugees on the Move: crisis and responses in Turkey and Europe. Berghahn Books, pp. 111-133.

Anıl Duman (2022) Mixed Perceptions of State Responsibility among Informal Sector Participants in MENA. In A. Polese (ed.) Informality, Labour Mobility and Precariousness: supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 251-276.

Anıl Duman and E. Pınar Dönmez (2021) Marketization of Academia and Authoritarian Governments: The Cases of Hungary and Turkey in Critical Perspective. Critical Sociology, 47(7-8), pp. 1127-1145.

Anıl Duman and Alper Duman (2021) Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Social Exclusion in Turkey. In G. Fischer and R. Strauss (eds.) Europe’s Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality, Oxford University Press, pp. 268-299.

Anıl Duman and Achim Kemmerling (2020) Do you feel like an insider? Job Security and Preferences for Flexibilisation across Europe. Social Policy and Administration, 54(5), pp. 749-764.

Anıl Duman (2020) Subjective Social Class and Individual Preferences for Redistribution: cross-country empirical analysis. International Journal of Social Economics, 47(2): 173-189.

Anıl Duman (2020) Precarious Employment Intersecting with Gender: are women punished more?. In M. Walker (ed.) Female Voices from the Worksite: The Impact of Hidden Bias against Working Women Across the Globe. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 3-25.



Ph.D., Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
M.A., Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
B.A., Economics, Middle East Technical University

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