Eszter Farkas

Year of Enrollment: 
Departmental Affiliation: 
Political Science

I am currently pursuing my PhD in Political Science at Central European University. My research project focuses on media frames about immigration and the effects of these frames on public opinion and attitudes in Hungary and Germany.
Before enrolled to CEU, I worked as a junior research fellow at the Political Science Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. During my university studies I also graduated at Széchenyi István College for Advanced Studies.


2019: Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association - Why did people vote for Fidesz at
the 2019 European Parliamentary Elections? The immigration issue in Fidesz’s Facebook campaign
2018: European Consortium for Political Research, General Conference - Discovering the populist turn of
Fidesz voters through personal values
2017: Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association - Populist voting attitudes in

Teaching experience

2019: Introduction to R - Teaching assistant at ECPR Summer School. Instructor: Alexandru Moise
2019: Multilevel Modelling - Teaching assistant at ECPR Winter School. Instructor: Pr. Levente Littvay
2019: Research design - Széchenyi István College for Advanced Studies


Political Science BA, Corvinus University of Budapest
Survey-statistics Msc, Eötvös Lóránd University

Dissertation Topic


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