Students' Recent Publications

July 8, 2024

DSPS students publish regularly during the academic year. These are some of their recent publications:

Title: "Informality and Task Content of Occupations: Changes in Employment and Wages in Turkey"

Authors: Anıl Duman and Gulsun Alca

Book: Routledge Handbook of the Informal Economy

Link: Routledge Handbook of the Informal Economy - 1st Edition - Ceyhun Elgi


Title: "Last place aversion, labour market competition or welfare state model? Explaining anti-immigrant sentiment in Hungary with a conjoint experiment"

Authors: Attila Farkas, Daniel Kovarek and Eszter Farkas

Journal: Political Research Exchange



Title: "When Do Authoritarian Regimes Use Digital Technologies for Covert Repression? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Politico-Economic Conditions"

Author: Ildar Daminov

Journal: Swiss Political Science Review



Title: "Equilibrium communication in political scandals"

Authors: Bence Hamrak, Gabor Simonovits, Ferenc Szucs

Journal: European Journal of Political Economy



Title: "Intermediary organizations and their role in advancing the SDGs in higher education"

Authors: Maryna Lakhno and Luis Ortiz-Gervasi

Journal: Policy Reviews in Higher Education



Title: "62: Public procurement corruption"

Authors: Irene Tello Arista and Mihály Fazekas

Book: Elgar Encyclopedia of Corruption and Society



Title: "Relationship between the type of media consumption and political trust in the European Union: Evidence from the 94th Eurobarometer 2020/2021 Survey"

Author: Ildar Daminov

Journal: Communication and the Public



Title: "They can do it. Positive Authoritarianism in Poland and Hungary"

Author: Franziska Wagner and Zsolt Enyedi

Journal: Frontiers in Political Science



Title: "Europeanization"

Author: Ivan Nikolovski

Book: Conflicts over History and Memory: A Brief Sourcebook (East Central and South East Europe)

Link: The open access publication will be available on the publisher's website:  Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V.


Title: "Old and hopeless: Gerontocratic welfare, household indebtedness, and economic pessimism in Italy"

Author: Martino Comelli

Book: The Political Economy of Italy and the Centre-Periphery Perspective on Europe (Jahrbuch Ökonomie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 35



Title: "A Fairness-Based Defense of Non-Punitive Responses to Crime"

Authors: Giorgia Brucato and alumnus Perica Jovchevski

Journal: Diametros: A journal of Philosophy



Title: "Green or green-washed? Examining sustainability reporting in higher education"

Author: Maryna Lakhno

Journal: Higher Education Quarterly



Title: "Can the EU and US end their dependence on Russia’s nuclear energy industry?"

Author:  Ihor Moshenets

Journal: Energy Post



Title: "Developmental channels: (Incomplete) development strategies in democratic Latin America"

Author: Renato H. de Gaspi

Journal: Regulation & Governance



Title: "Participant-oriented evaluation through participatory action research: a case study of a community engagement approach"

Author: Szilvia Nagy

Journal: Arts and the Market



Title: "Making Room for Every-Body: Changing Policy for Pregnant and Parenting Students at a U.S. College Abroad"

Author: Ana Belén Amil & Ruth Gazsó Candlish

Book: Creating Supportive Spaces for Pregnant and Parenting College Students: Contemporary Understandings of Title IX

Link: Creating Supportive Spaces for Pregnant and Parenting College Students (


Title: "Forging alliances: political competition and industrial policy in democratic Brazil"

Author: Renato H. de Gaspi

Journal: Third World Quarterly



Title: "Children after war: From moral development claims to welfare and agency rights"

Author: Giorgia Brucato

Journal: Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies



Title: "The alienability of innovation: evidence from patent transfers"

Author: Šimon Trlifaj

Journal: Economics of Innovation and New Technology



Title: "Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies"

Author: Daniel Muth

Journal: Ecological Economics



Title: "Introducing the comparative study of electoral systems in Tunisia: populist attitudes, political preferences, and voting behavior"

Authors: Ameni Mehrez, Levente Littvay, Youssef Meddeb, Bojan Todosijevic & Carsten Schneider

Journal: Mediterranean Politics

Link: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2252155

Academic year 2022/2023

Title: "The role of social media in facilitating minority mobilisation: The Russian-language pro-war movement in Germany amid the invasion of Ukraine"

Author: Liliia Sablina

Journal: Nations and Nationalism



Title: "Political liberalism and the metaphysics of languages"

Author: Renan Silva

Journal: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy



Title: "From Othering to Empowerment: Homelessness and Experiential Education"

Author: Katalin Ámon

Journal: EuropeNow



Title: "When Right is Left: Values and Voting Behavior in Tunisia"

Author: Ameni Mehrez

Journal: Political Behavior



Title: "Steppingstones in larger struggles. How can we combine colliding struggles in the care crisis?"

Author: Bernadett Sebaly

Journal: Deusto Journal of Human Rights



Title: "Center-Left Parties and Developmental Regimes in Latin America: Assessing the Role of Democracy"

Author: Pedro Perfeito da Silva and Julia Veiga Vieira Mancio Bandeira

Journal: Latin American Perspectives



Title: "Editorial: Decolonizing Rather than Decentring 'Europe'"

Authors: Jan Orbie, Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III, Anissa Bougrea, Szilvia Nagy, Alvaro Oleart, Jonalyn C. Paz, Rahel W. Sebhatu, Tiffany G. Williams and Izabella Wódzka

Journal: European Foreign Affairs Review, Volume 28, Issue 1 (2023) pp. 1 – 8



Title: "Voters, issues, and party loyalty: the 2022 Italian election under the magnifying glass"

Authors: Marco Improta, Elisabetta Mannoni, Costanza Marcellino and Federico Trastulli

Journal: Italian Journal of Electoral Studies QOE-IJES



Title: "Post-neoliberalism and capital flow management in Latin America: assessing the role of social forces"

Author: Pedro Perfeito da Silva

Journal: Journal of International Relations and Development



Title: "Distributive politics as behavioral localism: Evidence from a vignette experiment in Hungary"

Author: Daniel Kovarek

Journal: Research & Politics



Title: "Mobility and Policy Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020"

Authors: Gabriel Cepaluni, Michael T. Dorsch, and Daniel Kovarek

Journal: International Journal of Public Health


Academic year 2021/2022

Title: "Consociationalism in Lebanon after the Cedar Revolution: External Threats, Political Instability, and Macrosecuritizations"

Author: Elisabeta-Cristina Dinu

Journal: Nationalism and Ethnic Politics



Title: "Antisemitic Tropes, Fifth Columnism and "Soros-Bashing": The Curious Case of Central European University"

Authors: Erin K. Jenne, András Bozóki and Péter Visnovitz

Chapter in book: Enemies Within: The Global Politics of Fifth Columns



Title: "An Economic Understanding of Populism: A Conceptual Framework of the Demand and the Supply Side of Populism"

Authors: István Benczes and Krisztina Szabó

Journal: Political Studies Review



Title: "Democratic decline in the EU and its effect on democracy promotion in Central Asia"

Author: Shirin Tumenbaeva and Anna-Lena Hönig (University of Konstanz)

Journal: Cambridge Review of International Affairs



Title: "The Political Economy of Intermediate Capital Account Regimes: a Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis"

Author: Pedro Perfeito da Silva

Journal: Studies in Comparative International Development



Title: "The reverse impact of politics on the COVID-19 response: How Hezbollah determined the choices of the Lebanese government

Author: Nassim AbiGhanem

Chapter in book: The MENA Region and COVID-19



Title: "The Role of Institutions: A Cross-country Analysis of Renminbi Trading in Foreign Exchange Markets"

Author: Pedro Perfeito Da Silva and Marina Zucker-Marques

Publication: China & World Economy



Title: "Soil, Dirt, Earth: Deserts, Rural Communities, and Power in Jordan"

Author: Taraf Abu Hamdan

Publication: POMEPS Studies 46: Environmental Politics in the Middle East and North Africa

Link: Soil, Dirt, Earth: Deserts, Rural Communities, and Power in Jordan - Project on Middle East Political Science (


Title: "Smoothing the Way or Stirring the Pot: The Impact of Foreign Aid Shocks on Conflict in Recipient Countries"

Author: Krisztina Szabó

Journal: The Journal of Development Studies



Title: "Greater than the sum of its part(ie)s: opposition comeback in the 2019 Hungarian local elections"

Authors: Daniel Kovarek and Levente Littvay

Journal: East European Politics



Titile: "A Post-Development Perspective on the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences"

Authors: Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III, Jan Orbie and Tinus Sioen

Journal: Politics and Governance



Title: "Civil–Military Relations and Russia’s Post-Soviet Military Culture: A Belief System Analysis"

Author: Kirill Shamiev

Journal: Armed Forces & Society



Title: "Paradoxes of (Il)liberal democracy: The role of Christian Democracy"

Author: Martino Comelli

Journal: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 



Title: "Can impact assessments tame legislative drift? Event history analysis of modifications of laws across Europe"

Author: Dominik Brenner and Mihály Fazekas

Journal: Governance



Title: "'We all have to live somewhere!' The last three decades of the Hungarian housing movement – a bottom-up view –1989-2021"

Author: Bernadett Sebaly

Chapter in book: Annual Housing Report 2021, by Habitat for Humanity Hungary



Title: "Post-Neoliberalism and External Financial Liberalization: Comparing Left-Wing and Right-Wing Populism"

Author: Pedro Perfeito da Silva

Journal: Government and Opposition



Title: "Populist argumentation in foreign policy: the case of Hungary under Viktor Orbán, 2010–2020"

Authors: Péter Visnovitz and Erin Kristin Jenne

Journal: Journal of Comparative European Politics



Title: "Patterns Of Demobilization: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Far-Right Demonstration Campaigns"

Author: Michael C. Zeller

Journal: Mobilization



Title: "Sovereignty and Death: Post-mortem Visual Representations in Turkey and Russia’s Media"

Authors: Cihan Erdost Akin and Jacqueline Dufalla

Journal: Millennium: Journal of International Studies


Academic year 2020/2021

Title: "Belarus as a liminal space for Russia’s ontological security before and after the 2020 protests"

Authors: Monika Kubova and Aliaksei Kazharski 

Journal: New Perspectives

Link: Sagepub


Title: "May the lord protect our country: ethnic relations as a moderator between religiosity and radical right vote"

Author: Nemanja Stankov and Slaven Živkovićb 

Journal: Journal of Contemporary European Studies



Title: "Prime ministers in minority governments: the case of Hungary"

Author: Daniel Kovarek

Journal: East European Politics



Title: "The impact of welfare on household debt"

Author: Martino Comelli

Journal: Sociological Spectrum



Title: "The reregulation of capital flows in Latin America: assessing the impact of post-neoliberal governments"

Author: Pedro Perfeito da Silva

Journal: Review of International Political Economy



Title: "The political economy of neoliberalism in Brazil: towards a Polanyian approach"

Authors: Pedro Perfeito da Silva and Julia Veiga Vieira Mancio Bandeira

Journal: Third World Quarterly



Title: "The Radical Milieu and Radical Influencers of Bosnian Foreign Fighters"

Author: Asya Metodieva

Journal: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism



Title: "Demobilising far-right demonstration campaigns: Coercive counter-mobilisation, state social control, and the demobilisation of the Hess Gedenkmarsch campaign"

Author: Michael C. Zeller

Journal: Social Movement Studies



Title: "By the Sweat of Your Parents’ Brow: Self-Sufficiency of Young Adults and Intergenerational Transmission of Values and Resources in Hungary"

Authors: Dániel Kovarek and Róbert Sata

Book: Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Sufficiency



This list will be updated during the academic year.

If you published a paper this academic year and it's not on the list, let us know.
